Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Plant Fair --- Saturday, March 31, 2012

Orange County Master Gardener Plant Fair.  Buy your spring plants at this event.  Come and see what is growing in the 9,500 square foot Demonstration Small Farm and Home Vegetable Gardens  --- raised beds, containers, in-ground, elevated raised beds, Square Foot Gardens, Earthboxes, raft hydroponic garden, and composting units.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Master Gardener Plant Fair - March 31, 2012

Join us for a PLANT FAIR on Saturday, March 31, 2012 9:00 AM at the Orange County Extension Education Center. Vendors, educational events, kids activities, plants on sale and more: 


Urban Farming Workshop

March 21st, Orange County Extension Education Center will host the 2nd Annual Urban Farming Workshop.  Topics covered this year include small poultry flocks, Florida's Cottage Food Law (homemade food sales), Blueberries, Aquaponics, Alternative ground covers and a field techniques tour.

For more information:  http://orange.ifas.ufl.edu/UF_workshop/pdffiles/Urban%20Farming%20Workshop%202012.pdf

Dirt to Dinner - Summer Series

Use the summer months, between growing seasons, to plan your home garden. Learn to grow, preserve and prepare fresh, safe, healthy Florida Foods. Topics include soil composting, insects and pests, organics, container gardening, square foot gardening, safe food preservation, storage, nutrition and food preparation. The dates are July 13, 20, 27 and August 3, 10, 17.

To register go online to http://dirt2dinner.eventbrite.com.

Deadline to register is July 6th.   Register early as the class fills up fast!  Registration is $50.

Minimum to hold class is 15 ‐ maximum is 25.